Little flowers.

Last of the Sweet Pea.

This year I planted Sweet Pea to add a bit of colour to the plot, a job it did very well. Now its days are numbered and only a few flowers remain. Fortunately, a ‘pest’ilence earlier in the year, has provided for some surprise autumn flowers… 

Calabrese in flower.

My calabrese was neglected this year. The heads were permanently covered in slug slime and the one time I did cook any (after a good cleaning) it had a disconcertingly slimy consistency. Now the plants have been left to do their own thing and are producing lovely yellow flowers, plus the odd slimeless, and edible, side shoot.

Side shoots.

Ready to bloom.

My cauliflower were also overrun with slugs and left to grow wild. Now they are close to flowering and I’m looking forward to seeing the results!